Thursday, December 26, 2019

Documentos para green card por matrimonio con ciudadano

La documentacià ³n para sacar la tarjeta de residencia por matrimonio con un ciudadano es numerosa y conviene tenerla en mano o al menos solicitada antes de empezar la tramitacià ³n. En este artà ­culo se distingue, para hacerlo mà ¡s claro, entre los trà ¡mites que se realizan cuando el cà ³nyuge extranjero està ¡ ya en los Estados Unidos y se sigue lo que se conoce como un ajuste de estatus. Y tambià ©n cuando se da la circunstancia de que està ¡ en otro paà ­s y se sigue lo que se llama procedimiento consular. Recordar, antes de empezar, que en los Estados Unidos producen los efectos migratorios los matrimonios entre una mujer y un varà ³n que los de personas del mismo sexo. Lo à ºnico que se pide en este à ºltimo caso, es que la boda se celebre en un lugar cuyas leyes permiten el matrimonio gay. Documentos para la tarjeta de residencia por matrimonio con ciudadano por ajuste de estatus Las personas extranjeras presentes en Estados Unidos pueden obtener la residencia, tambià ©n conocida como green card, por matrimonio con un ciudadano mediante un ajuste de estatus siempre y cuando hubieran ingresado al paà ­s de forma legal, con una visa o mediante el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas. Es decir, no pueden hacerlo aquellas personas que ingresaron ilegalmente a los Estados Unidos. Los migrantes que se encuentren en esta situacià ³n deben asesorarse con un abogado de confianza antes de iniciar los trà ¡mites. Ello es porque a mitad de los mismos tendrà ¡n que salir del paà ­s y, en la mayorà ­a de los casos, tendrà ¡n una prohibicià ³n para regresar por 3 o 10 aà ±os. Es necesario informarse para estudiar honestamente si existe alguna posibilidad de regularizar la situacià ³n sin necesidad de salir del paà ­s. Para los que pueden ajustar su estatus, pueden realizar en un solo paquete dos tramitaciones distintas: la peticià ³n de esposo y el ajuste de estatus. Los documentos son los siguientes: - Formulario I-130, peticià ³n de familiar - Copia certificada del acta de matrimonio. Si el casamiento se celebrà ³ en otro paà ­s, asegurarse de que cumple con todos los requisitos para ser considerado và ¡lido en Estados Unidos. En este caso, si el documento o cualquier otro no està ¡ en inglà ©s, deberà ¡ traducirse. Este es  un modelo de carta para hacer una traduccià ³n certificada  para Inmigracià ³n. - Prueba de la nacionalidad estadounidense: pasaporte americano, acta o certificado de nacimiento en Estados Unidos, certificado de naturalizacià ³n, acta de nacionalidad por ser hijo o hija de americano a pesar de haber nacido en el extranjero o cualquier otro documento que pueda ser admitido para probar la nacionalidad. - Del cà ³nyuge extranjero es necesario presentar copia certificada del acta o partida de nacimiento. Si no estuviera en inglà ©s, deberà ¡ traducirse y certificarse dicha traduccià ³n. No es necesario obtener la apostilla de la Haya. - 6 fotografà ­as tipo pasaporte de cada uno de los cà ³nyuges (cada uno, la suya). - Formulario I-485 para ajuste de estatus - Formulario del affidavit of support, tambià ©n conocida como planilla de mantenimiento, I-864 - Prueba de cumplir con el  requisito de ingresos para patrocinar: W2 o 1099, copia de haber pagado impuestos (tax returns) en los à ºltimos aà ±os y una carta de la empresa o empleador para la que se trabaje en la que se especifique desde cuà ¡ndo se trabaja en dicha compaà ±Ãƒ ­a, quà © posicià ³n se ocupa y cuà ¡l es el monto del salario anual. - Copia de las tres à ºltimas nà ³minas (pay stubs). - Formulario de informacià ³n biogrà ¡fica, que es el G-325A - Planilla de los resultados del examen mà ©dico, I-693 - Si se desea un permiso de trabajo antes de recibir la green card, llenar el formulario I-765 - Si se desea viajar fuera de Estados Unidos y regresar mientras se realiza la tramitacià ³n, puede que sea necesario llenar el formulario I-131 para el advance parole, o permiso para viajar. - El pago de la tarifa de todo el proceso. El Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) se pondrà ¡ en contacto para la cita de datos biomà ©tricos.   El siguiente paso serà ¡ recibir el permiso de trabajo, tambià ©n conocido como EAD, si se ha solicitado uno. Despuà ©s, aproximadamente entre 2 y 4 meses de haber enviado la aplicacià ³n, se recibirà ¡ una cita para la entrevista. En ella un empleado del USCIS intentarà ¡ determinar si el matrimonio es de conveniencia, en cuyo caso se suspenderà ¡ la peticià ³n de la green card.   Es importante llevar a la entrevista documentacià ³n que sirva para acreditar que el matrimonio es de verdad, como por ejemplo: Cuentas bancarias a nombre de ambos asà ­ como la titularidad de propiedades que pertenezcan a los dos o hipotecas conjuntas.Pà ³lizas de seguros (incluidos mà ©dicos) a nombre de ambos o en los que uno de ellos sea beneficiario de la pà ³liza del otro, como por ejemplo en los casos de seguros de vida.Fotocopias a color y de calidad de fotografà ­as de la boda, de la fiesta de compromiso, si la hubiera habido, de la pareja sola y tambià ©n con miembros de la familia y amigos. Colocar 2 à ³ tres fotografà ­as en un folio en blanco y escribir en inglà ©s el nombre de las personas que aparecen, el lugar y la fecha en la que se tomaron. Repetir la operacià ³n cuantas veces sea necesario.Lease del alquiler de la vivienda, si lo hubiere o hipoteca.Copia de cualquier documento en el que figuren los nombres de ambos cà ³nyuges, como por ejemplo cualquier tipo de factura.Copia de la factura de telà ©fono que pueda probar la comunicacià ³n entre ambos cuando eran novios.Si lo hubi era, copia de los tiquetes de avià ³n para visitarse.Tambià ©n llevar identificacià ³n, incluido el pasaporte del cà ³nyuge extranjero. Si la entrevista es exitosa, se sellarà ¡ el pasaporte del cà ³nyuge extranjero con una Tarjeta de Residencia temporal, que sirve para viajar y para trabajar. En el plazo de uno o dos meses se recibirà ¡ la green card de plà ¡stico por correo.   Finalmente, si la green card se recibià ³ antes de cumplir dos aà ±os de casado, serà ¡ de carà ¡cter condicional. Dicha condicionalidad la hay que levantar a los dos aà ±os. Peticià ³n de ciudadano para cà ³nyuge extranjero que està ¡ fuera de Estados Unidos En este caso el proceso es un poco distinto. Se inicia con la peticià ³n con el formulario I-130 y envià ¡ndose el pago por la tramitacià ³n y la documentacià ³n de apoyo que sirve para probar que existe un matrimonio, la ciudadanà ­a del solicitante y la identidad del solicitado (ver mà ¡s arriba en apartado anterior). Una vez que la peticià ³n es aprobada, el USCIS la envà ­a al Centro Nacional de Visas (NVC, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Y serà ¡n ellos los que contacten y comiencen a pedir documentos y planillas, seguir las instrucciones al pie de la letra. Pedirà ¡n, entre otras cosas, el affidavit of support y todo lo relativo a probar que se tienen ingresos suficientes para patrocinar. Tambià ©n se darà ¡n instrucciones para el examen mà ©dico y, finalmente, para la entrevista en el consulado o embajada. Llevar toda la documentacià ³n que se indique. Si se pasa la entrevista, se recibe una visa de inmigrante que se estampa en el pasaporte. A partir de ese momento hay 6 meses para ingresar a los Estados Unidos. Y en ese momento, al llegar a un puerto de entrada terrestre, marà ­timo o de aeropuerto, se sella de nuevo el pasaporte con un sello de ingreso que junto a la visa de inmigrante equivale a una green card temporal, hasta que se recibe la de plà ¡stico. Al igual que sucede con el caso anterior, la green card de plà ¡stico es condicional si se recibe antes de llevar dos aà ±os de casado. En es caso hay que levantar dicha condicionalidad. Finalmente, destacar que si una persona està ¡ fuera de los Estados Unidos y piden a su nombre una green card, es muy difà ­cil que a partir de ese momento aprueben una peticià ³n de visa de turista. A tener en cuenta antes de iniciar los trà ¡mites para pedir a un cà ³nyuge De todas las cosas, dos destacan por su importancia y posibles consecuencias. En primer lugar hay que asegurarse de que se tienen ingresos suficientes o que se cuenta con un co-patrocinador. El USCIS no aprueba peticiones si no se cumple este requisito, no hay excepciones.   Y, en segundo lugar, informarse sobre las causas de denegacià ³n de la residencia. Y es que no es suficiente estar casado con un ciudadano. Hay que ser elegible para ingresar a los Estados Unidos y convertirse en residente. En algunos casos no es posible arreglar el problema. En otros es cuestià ³n de esperar a que pase el tiempo de castigo o, cuando se puede, pedir un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como waiver o permiso. Esto à ºltimo hay que tenerlo especialmente en cuenta cuando el problema viene del hecho de haber estado ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos. Esto à ºltimo es un problema cuando se superan los 6 meses de ilegalidad  y se està ¡ fuera de Estados Unidos sin importar cà ³mo se habà ­a ingresado o cuando se està ¡ dentro y se ingresà ³ ilegalmente. Tambià ©n hay que tener en cuenta que en cosas del amor, las situaciones pueden cambiar. Si hay un cambio de opinià ³n por parte del ciudadano, podrà ­a poner fin a la peticià ³n.  Tambià ©n tener en cuenta que el divorcio, por parte de cualquiera de los cà ³nyuges, puede tener efectos migratorios importantes. Finalmente, para saber mà ¡s sobre la tarjeta de residencia se recomienda tomar este test de preguntas mà ºltiples, cuyas respuestas aclaran numerosas dudas. Este es un articulo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Biomechanics Essay - 1400 Words

The Anterior Cruciate Ligament’s role in movement Michael Corrada Texas Tech University Quiz 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 ABSTRACT The anterior cruciate ligament is one of the most injured parts of the knee for young and old alike. With the advancements in medical technology we are able to provide reconstruction and physical therapy to those with this type of injury. Most anterior cruciate ligament tears come from cutting or sharp pivoting or when the lower leg is planted and the upper leg twists. This causes a grade three sprain which is a tear. Upon injury to anterior cruciate ligament the athlete normally hears a popping sound seventy percent of the time. Other signs of a tear include rapid swelling of the knee caused from the blood from†¦show more content†¦Most often the issue of many athletes of all ages is that they have an issue with their anterior cruciate ligament. The key ligament in many movements done that could give you the upper hand on your opposition. These movements include cutting, pivots, planting, and sudden acceleration and deceleration. Normally the ligament is just a part of our everyday walking, but it is when sharp or sudden pressure is applied that is when our knee can go into hyperextension or over rotation causing a sprain of the ligament. These sprains are classified as grades and split up into three different categories. Grade one sprains are akin to a bruise on the ligament and do not require a long recovery time. Grade two sprains are a slight tear in the ligament and can have around a month recovery time. Grade three sprains are a complete tear of the ligament and normally require surgery because that ligament will not heal on its own. If the injured person decides to undergo surgery it could be a six month recovery time with intense physical therapy. If they do not want to have surgery their movement of that knee will never be the same and could lead to further injury of surrounding ligaments and cartilage. Grade three sprains are the most severe and are normally the case when speaking about and anterior cruciate ligament injury. When an athlete sustains an anterior cruciate ligament injury they normally hear a â€Å"pop† and looseness in their knee. UponShow MoreRelatedMy Life Concept Project Report923 Words   |  4 Pagesincludes examining job postings for my prospective career, the education of individuals currently working and publishing in the field. It is difficult to find research directly discussing the skills and knowledge needed in to work in orthopedic biomechanics because the biomedical field itself is a new industry. One way to understand the demands of such a field is to look at the requirements for the fields it bridges. The main fields involved are mechanical and biomedical engineering. The Bureau ofRead MoreThe Biomechanics Of A Skiing1136 Words   |  5 Pagesthis research assignment, the topic I would like to discuss is the biomechanics of a skiing. 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Hall, S.J. (1999). Basic Biomechanics (3rd ed), pg. 398-439. McGraw-Hill. Jacobs, R., Bobbert, M.F., vanIngen Schenau, G.J. (1993). Function of mono- and biarticular muscles in running, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (vol 25, no 10) pgRead MoreThe Biomechanics Of The Racehorse1953 Words   |  8 PagesThe Biomechanics of the Racehorse Introduction Horse’s have developed into highly specialised locomotor machines. Modified themselves to travel long distances at a moderate speeds and capability of shorter distances at higher speeds. The most efficient running machine that has evolved with many structural adaptions for untiring rapid progress on the ground so that they run long distances efficiently and changing of muscle size and grouping all suggests locomotor adaption (Williams, 2013). SelectionRead MoreEssay about Biomechanics627 Words   |  3 Pages The term biomechanics means the study of the structure and function of biological systems using the methods of mechanics. 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Only certain places have the authorization toRead MoreBiomechanics of Surfing Essay1359 Words   |  6 Pagesknowledge of biomechanics and its application of certain skill in surfing has helped me fix my mistakes, and this was shown in the last video. | | 1. Amendroz, G, Dickens, S, Hosford, G, Stewart, T, and Davis, D. Chapter 7 amp; 9. Queensland Senior Physical Education. 3rd Ed. Victoria: Ben Dawe, 2010. Pages 106-78 2. Bixler, B. and Riewald, S. Analysis of a swimmer’s hand and arm in steady flow conditions using computational fluid dynamics. Journal of Biomechanics. Pages 713-717 Read MoreBiomechanics Of The Tympanic Membrane2160 Words   |  9 PagesDarisha Jhutty April 27, 2015 BIOE 154: Introduction to Biomechanics Professor Norman Biomechanics of the Tympanic Membrane Background: Over the past years, bioengineers have applied different methods for modelling the human ear. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Leadership Change Management

Question: Discuss about theLeadershipfor Change Management. Answer: Introduction Lewin identified the change that is used in a process in 1947. He identified that the change in process has three phases. Firstly, the change needs to be accepted in the organization, which means that the employees need to embrace the changes and work accordingly to benefit in the future. Secondly, the employees of the organization have to move on with the new changes that are being implemented in the workplace. The employees mostly fear this phase as it leads to shifting from their personal comfort zones. Thirdly, one the above phases are completed in the organization, employees tends to follow it as it forms a part of their routine process (Cameron Green, 2015). Leaders as Change Agents A successful leader is the one who have the authority to control a certain number of people and achieve the goal or the objective within the stipulated period. They are responsible for the welfare and the development of the organization (Hayes, 2014). A successful leader needs to have some traits such as self-confidence, realism, ambition, drive, an active learner, innovativeness and dedication. These traits help in defining a successful leader as it helps in bringing the team closer and work effectively by taking quick decisions. For a leader to be successful in the organization, they need to have the persistence and constantly adapt themselves to new innovative techniques that will help in reducing the workload (Della Torre Solari, 2013). Change management is one of the main factors in the business leaders of the recent world. They need to be visionary, skillful and motivational to execute the necessary changes in the organization. The leaders can implement changes in the workplace by following the eight necessary steps that will help in change management effectively. The first step is the increase in the urgency of the change. The leaders need to identify the changes that are urgently required for the organization to work efficiently (Barker, 2016). The second step is to develop a team that will guide the change process. The leader needs to identify the people who are willing to adapt to the changes and have the power to influence the change drive amongst their colleagues (Bridges Bridges, 2017). The third step will be to get develop the vision that will motivate the employees to work efficiently for the organization. This will help the organization, as the productivity levels will increase largely (Jeston Nelis, 2014). The fourth step is to communicate the change in the process within the organization. This can be done by maintaining a proper communication pattern, which will allow the employees to provide feedback as well. The fifth step will help in making sure that the action is put in place in the organization. This can be done by minimalizing the barriers and building confidence of the employees to work under the change that has been made. The leader needs to promote optimism in the workplace so that the employees remain motivated at all times (Stark, 2015). The sixth step is to create the system of rewards on a short-term basis, which will help the employees to work hard and gain momentum in the organization. The reward system needs to be honest that will help in building the motivational factor in the employees (Cummings Worley, 2014). The seventh step has to be the motivation that the leaders can provide to their employees in their organization. If an employee cannot perform on a regular basis, then the leader needs to identify the problem and help them to overcome the problem. The eighth step is to ensure that the changes, which are implemented in the workplace, are strong so that the organization can work efficiently to get the desired output from the employees (Booth, 2015). Implementing the Plan in any Organization In an organization, the leader needs to see that the plans are being implemented in a proper manner. The first step can be implemented by creating a proper narrative by the leader that would convince the employees in the organization in successfully carrying out the change. The second step can be implemented in the workplace by forming a team or group who has shown their enthusiasm in accepting the change in the workplace and has different skills. This can be done through lobbying and putting the complete faith and trust in the group, which will help the leader in ensuring that they do the tasks that are assigned to them (Jeston Nelis, 2014). The third step can be implemented by setting a proper vision, which will help in carrying forward with the regular work that the employees do in the organization. The vision needs to articulate in nature, which will help in grabbing the attention of the employees and precise. The leader needs to see that the vision that has been created is acting as a motivational force for the employees in the organization. The fourth step will help the leader to communicate in a better way with the employees. The communication pattern needs to be horizontal and vertical, which will help the leader to get feedbacks from the employees with respect to the level of performance associated with the change in the process. The communication needs to simple and free from grapevine (Bridges Bridges, 2017). The leader can do the implementation of the fifth step by identifying the employees who can change the attitude of the colleagues in the workplace. The leader needs to consider the feedbacks as necessary informations, which will lead them to take better decisions so that the employees can be engaged in the organization. The fifth step can achieve full utility if the leader introduces the reward systems in the workplace. This will give an opportunity to the employees to work hard for the organization to stand out among the other employees. The rewards need to be short-term in manner and attractive, which will motivate the employees to achieve more than the target that has been set for them. The leader needs to implement the reward system by offering bonuses to the employees, which will be meaningful for the employees (Stark, 2015). The leader needs to guide the employees in the right way so that they can remain dedicated to their workplace. If the employees feel that their work is not being rewarded, they will tend to leave the organization. The leader needs to act as a motivator for them so that the employees will strive to achieve the desired output (Kuipers et al., 2014). The leader needs to look after all the problems and the queries that are present in the organization and is hampering the level of work of the employees. The eighth step can be implemented by explaining the employees about how the new change can bring opportunities in the workplace. This will also have an advantage as the employees may be willing to accept the change in the process. The leader can promote new videos in the organization, which will show the various impacts in the output levels of the different departments (Cummings Worley, 2014). Conclusion Thus, it can be concluded that the leaders need to possess certain qualities so that they can manage the organization in a better way. The leaders need to follow these plans, as it will help them in gaining the confidence of the employees in the organization. The employees form the majority in the organization, as they are the reason for which the organization succeeds in the market. If they are not looked after properly, then the organization may fail in the competitive market. The leaders need to understand that and work accordingly so that the employees feel motivated at all times within the organization. Reference List Barker, R. (2016). Knowledge Management and Knowledge Leaders as Change Agents During Transformation In Emerging Knowledge Organizations: A Theoretical Framework. Booth, S. A. (2015).Crisis management strategy: Competition and change in modern enterprises. Routledge. Bridges, W., Bridges, S. (2017).Managing transitions: Making the most of change. Da Capo Press. Cameron, E., Green, M. (2015).Making sense of change management: a complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change. Kogan Page Publishers. Cummings, T. G., Worley, C. G. (2014).Organization development and change. Cengage learning. Della Torre, E., Solari, L. (2013). High-performance work systems and the change management process in medium-sized firms.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,24(13), 2583-2607. Hayes, J. (2014).The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave Macmillan. Jeston, J., Nelis, J. (2014).Business process management. Routledge. Kuipers, B. S., Higgs, M., Kickert, W., Tummers, L., Grandia, J., Van der Voet, J. (2014). The management of change in public organizations: A literature review.Public Administration,92(1), 1-20. Stark, J. (2015). Product lifecycle management. InProduct Lifecycle Management(pp. 1-29). Springer International Publishing.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Moon Under Her Feet Essays - Book Of Isaiah, Greco-Roman Mysteries

Moon Under Her Feet The Moon Under Her Feet was a terrific book and I was very excited to have it revealed to me. I have always loved reading the Bible and learning about the times of Jesus. This book helped me to see if from a totally different point of view. In our church a play is always put on at Easter showing Jesus resurrection and Mari Magdalene was always a character they never told much about except that she was one of the three who discovered the empty tomb. It was wonderful to be able to see just how she fit into the story and what her relationship was with Almah Mari, previously known to me as "The Virgin Mary". This book put into perspective the goddess side and helped me to understand more about what was and what came to be of Almah Mari and Mari Anath. One thing that stood out for me in The Moon Under Her Feet was the traces that Almah Mari and Mari Anath experienced. The first time I became aware of them was when Almah was preparing for her marriage to Sharon. It was then that she discovered she was Isis and it brought about many experiences that Isis went through during her life. Another trance that had a huge effect on me was Mari's trance when she felt herself become Almah. It was while she was in that trance that she was aware of what actually happened with Sharon's death and the agony that Almah experienced on their wedding night. The last trance that had an effect on me was when Mari made her descent into the Netherworld to escape the marriage to Herod. Almah even warned her of the possibilities of danger she may experience through this trance. How horrible it must have been for all of the goddesses who were exposed to having dreams and visions such as these. They truly seem to be most frightening and terrible when one goes into a trance. Even though these seemed to be terrible experiences for them the goddesses welcomed them and accepted them as gifts from the Goddess herself. An experience that I had no trouble relating to was when Mari was given to the Goddess. It was an image so clear that came through for me and reminded me of when I went off to college. It was a little different for me because I was older and it was my choice but a major part was same because I was leaving my family to become a part of a whole new family. It was August of 1995 and I was entering Michigan State University as a freshman. My parents and two of my closest friends drove me down with all of my belongings. It was a sad day for me. I was leaving the life I knew so well and beginning a new one that I didn't know at all. On that day I was introduced to the girls who would be my roommates and soon two of my best friends. While reading this chapter in The Moon Under Her Feet it seemed to me that while Ninshubur would always know what Mari was thinking I could almost relate that to my best friend Amy. Many times we noticed it was as though we could read each other's thoughts. We always seemed to know what the other one was thinking. Although the major difference was that it only happened because we were together so much. One thing that puzzled me in The Moon Under Her Feet was the many references to Isis and Osiris. Throughout the entire book Almah referred to herself as a reincarnation of Isis. When Almah was going through her initiation period it was then that she had the vision that she was ?Isis, Queen of All the Worlds". Even though Almah discovered herself to be Isis it was later that Yeshua was referred to as Osiris. I thought that Isis and Osiris were husband and wife and but in The Moon Under Her Feet Almah and Yeshua were mother and son. My only explanation would be that Almah is the reincarnation of Isis and Yeshua is the reincarnation of Osiris. They don't need to be married in this life to be husband and wife because it was the past life that they had that relationship. It's very confusing for me to read one story with certain characters and then another with the same. I have a